2017 MMS “Battle of Formats”

Moscow, MMS  

“Battle of Formats”




Moscow distribution company MMS set out to remind everybody how cassette and bobbin players sound and hosted an event with an intriguing name “Battle of Formats” in its showroom on February 17th, 2017. A specially designed sound system was created for this event and it was connected to 5 different sources: CD-player, Media player, vinyl records player, cassette player and bobbin tape player. The event was open to the public and well attended.  Many people, who accepted invitations to the event, were interested in how analog sound compares to one of modern digital sources.


The music that was used in the comparative listening test was specially selected too. One of the branches of MMS company is a sound recording studio MMS Records that uses both digital and analog recording equipment from industry leaders. Last year singer Irina Subbotina recorded album “NEP’s Forgotten Songs” at the MMS Records studio and released it in both digital and analog formats. The album itself was recorded exclusively in analog format without any use of digital technology. Recording studio used Solid State Logic Duality 64-channel console and Studer A827 24-channel recorder. While Solid State Logic Duality console allows using both digital and analog processing, this album was recorded in full analog mode. As for the Struder recorder, it was made back in the last century and also fully analog. New tapes made by RMGi were used for the recordings.


Specialists from MMS used actual master tape from the recording to create cassette and bobbin tape using recording studio equipment. High definition digital file was also created using the original master tape and professional grade equipment. Each source for the comparative listening (CD, vinyl, bobbin, cassette tape and digital file) was created right at the recording studio.

Audio System Specifications:

Tape: AKAI GX-636 , TEAC V-1RX

Record player: Thorens TA S267

CD player: Primare CD-32

Streamers: Primare NP-30

Amplifiers: Primare I32

Speakers: KEF LS-50

Cables: Living Athmos Reference Line